I attended a meeting a few days and I gotta say that I am happy with what went on. First off, our new president Ryan, and his staff, are seeing to it that we use the website like it was intended to be used. That is a good thing for our record keeping requirement which heretofore has been somewhat lacking. Lets keep that up.
We picked up few new members and one of them is younger than 65 years old! Just kidding about the age thing but, we need more young people for sure. Mark Kerfuss and his son John are doing a nice job on this by hosting the Aviation Explores Club at the hangar. We also picked up some seasoned veterans, welcome aboard boys. I wish we could get more women aviators to join too.
Ryan asked me to speak so I decided that I would talk about things I have seen on Youtube. Everybody is videoing themselves nowadays and the internet is full of excellent teaching moments. I had a list of 3 topics to discuss, accidental spins, impossible turns, and the Cirrus crash in Texas. There is excellent video for all three of these topics.
We had a vote, there were about 20 people there, on which one they wanted to discuss. They picked accidental spins first, and if we had enough time the impossible turn. The way I ran it was to show the film, and then let the audience discuss different points of it. I would weigh in or explain as we went along. Everybody was involved asking questions, making points, and listening to me.
After the spins we talked about the impossible turn. We spent about an hour and a half discussing these two topics in a fair degree of detail. I was surprised when somebody asked if we could talk about the Texas crash and I almost moved on the subject but, I caught myself and said, “it’s 9:30, it’s past my bed time.” so we called it a night and went home.
This is not the first time I have spoken to the group. I have discussed aerodynamics and other subjects in the past and I feel like people really took something away from it. So I started thinking that it might be something we could do at the chapter on a regular bases every other month or so. We could hold court. I would take a video or two from the internet and play them at a meeting. Then the audience would discuss the event among themselves and come to a verdict, yea, or nay. I would facilitate the discussion as it moves along. I am willing to do this if you would like me to.
So if you would like to hold, “582 court,” every 2 or 3 months, with Judge Bill David presiding, respond to this posting and voice your opinion. You could help set up the rules for the court and how we run it at the first hearing. It should be highly interactive while being interesting and informative on a number of member chosen subjects related to flying and safety. Make sure you tell your fellow members about this and have them read and respond too.
Bill David