Joe Deaton's 1952 de Havilland Chipmunk! Click here for more info
That totally stinks Matthew. No hurry flying off the hours now.
You can give me some dual in that powered parachute.
Space in my Durango is full now. I have me and three kids coming with me. Aidan, Amanda and their cousin. So I plan to pull Bills trailer to Oshkosh. Not sure if we will be in Warbirds camping.
I'm a little late to the party here, but...
Do we have a beachhead? Sounds cool. I'm happy to pitch in. Scott Hiser and I are coming out Wednesday, leaving Saturday.
(I tried clicking on the calendar thing but nothing came up)
For those in the chapter like myself who found themselves NOT at Oshkosh this year, will those that did go share their favorite #OSH16 moment in the forum? Pics and vids would be awesome, too. Thanks in advance!
I have never been able to figure out how to upload pics and vids on this forum. I have a video of Bob Hoover talking about landing the german plane he stole in a field in Holland and one of Him talking about what the American flag means to him. The dude and I got our pictures taken with Bob Hoover as well. That was my favorite Oshkosh '16 moment. Paramotors flew during the night airshow which was pretty cool. A couple of the guys went up pretty high and did infiniti tumbles down. Snowbirds had a good performance. They are quite a crew. I heard they tent camped and even volunteered at the event. The Canadians have a much different approach on demonstration teams than we do.
Your phone has the hoover pics.
I volunteered during the afternoons while I was there.
Wish I was closer to show center when the Martin Mars flew over and dropped the load of lake Winnebago over the show.
My favorite part was flying into and out of Oshkosh with Scott Hiser. I had a lot of fun just hanging with everyone at the camp site. The hangar talk, conversation and jokes with everyone was fun. Some people at warbirds camping hosts a huge dinner (and a show on Thursday) which was a highlight each day. Oh, the airplanes and airshows were cool too! I did some tig welding which was awesome and I love the information you get from the forums. It sounds cliche but it really is the people that make it great.