Randy Reihing and Bill David in conjunction with Rich Naves of the Toledo Public School system will instruct: Introduction to OXY Acetylene gas welding.
The class will consist of 3, 3 hour sessions from the TPS facility at Toledo Express Airport.
The first session: March 8,
The second session: March 15
The third session: Subject to the availability of the TPS Facility in early April.
This class size will be limited to 12 students.
A sylibus will be provided and an outline followed for the course.
The class begins with a classroom learning session of the basics:
- Oxyfuel, cutting and welding
- Facts about fuels and heat
- Assembly of the Oxyfuel Rig
- Equipment
- Saferty Precautions and Practice
- Set-up Procedures / nozzle and flame types
- Shutdown Procedures
Folow by:
Cutting Metals
Welding Procedures
Materials will be included in the cost of the class.
Package Fees Includes: Members receive/keep one set of Forney flip up welding goggles, #5 shade, and one pair of 14" Harbor Freight, good quality, one-size-fits-all,
leather welding gloves. Deadline for all Package Fees is March 01, 2014.
The program includes a syllabus, instruction, all necessary welding equipment except goggles and gloves, all gases, 4" x 6" flat steel samples, 4130 aircraft grade steel tubing samples, filler rod, striker flints, individual work stations, and group instruction with individual oversight at the welding stations.
NOTE: When registering please enter the correct choice for your needs of this class.
Questions to the event coordinator: mailto:[email protected]