June 2021 VMC Club Question of the Month:
You're traveling from Grand Valley (40G) to Winslow, Arizona (KINW), with a CAVU weather forecast for the entire flight. While enroute, something catches your eye and sparks your curiosity. Ahead you see a North/South runway that is directly on your flight path. You decide to land and check things out.
You check your chart and cannot identify the landing strip. As such, you have no CTAF or AWOS frequencies to monitor, and you do not see a windsock. You look carefully and do not see any signs of surface winds; no dust, bodies of water, not even a field of grass to reference! None of the clues you're used to seeing to interpret which direction the wind is blowing.
How else might you check for the surface wind? Should you be trying to land there?

To find out the answer to the Question of the Month, you must show up in person to the VMC Club meeting. Details above.
EAA 582 Hosts VMC Club
VMC Club will be held on every 2nd Thursday throughout the year. Bring your
plotter and flight computer.
VMC Club
(from https://www.eaa.org/eaa/pilots/EAA-pilot-proficiency/vmc-club)
Non-instrument rated pilots who want to improve their proficiency now have an excellent new resource through EAA’s VMC Club.
The VMC Club is modeled after the popular IMC Club concept which provides organized “hangar flying” focused on building proficiency in instrument flying. The VMC Club will do the same, but for pilots who are not instrument rated and fly primarily under visual flight rules and under VMC.
The VMC Club offers monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experience. The meetings use real-world scenarios to engage members, and allow a free exchange of information that improves awareness and skills. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency.
All EAA members are automatically eligible to take part in VMC and IMC Club programs in their local chapters. VMC Club is supported by Jeppesen.