From The
Five Eighty Second
This Month's General Meeting will feature a presentation by Captain Joe Rehm, King Air pilot and flight instructor extraordinaire. His topics for discussion will be of interest to instrument pilots and wannabes in the understanding and execution of determining the different types of RNAV approach minimums along with other procedural information on this subject.
Also, the captain will be discussing the ins and outs of the ADSB compliance requirements for flight in our nations airspace.
So, if you want to be a better pilot and keep from getting involved with the FAA's certificate action procedures you might want to come listen to what the captain has to say, it may save you a lot of grief.
If time permits there will be some discussion on the "dead foot, dead engine," philosophy, another area where the captain is a renowned expert.
Of course none of this will take place if the captain has to fly a medical sortie in which case we will have show and tell
See you at the hangar
Thursday, January 16
(that's 6:30pm for you mortals)
This month's meal will be,
Oven Baked Chicken & Twice baked Potatoes
Do yourself a big favor - Register when you read this!
Register before 10:00 Thursday of the meeting to receive a meal
Meal Catered by Carolyn's Catering