November Meeting
General Meeting Notice
Thursday 21, 2019
Brought to you by the " Five Eighty Second "

Chapter meeting this Thursday at the Tom Walsh Learning center above the shop in the hangar at Toledo Executive Airport. Click on the TV with Captain Bill in the cockpit to see the video
Start time is 6:30 and if you want a meal you better register now. Even if you don’t plan on eating you should order one in case you change your mind.
This will be a State of the Chapter Address and we will be going over a number of topic including the current situation with our tax liabilities. The result of this discussion will be entered into the record
Click on the TV or any blue lettered links to see Bill talk about the agenda
We have made progress on several fronts and will be talking about these and future projects.
Watch this video for a rundown of the topics.
If you have any questions or comments about chapter plans or direction, bring them with you.
Remember, register now for a meal…
See you there,
Bill, John, and Glen
Remember, ask not what your chapter can do for you, ask what you can do for your chapter.
Email us a [email protected]