NO IMC Club In July Due to July 4 Holiday
IMC Club
IMC Clubs is the brainchild of Radek Wyrzykowski, a master certified flight instructor-instrument and multiengine instructor. As a flight instructor in Norwood, Massachusetts, Radek developed a volunteer mentor program to help instrument pilots improve their proficiency, and they loved it. "When the website launched and offered to help others start local chapters, it took off like a storm,” Radek said.
The IMC Club’s purpose is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency in instrument flying. IMC Club chapters offer monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experiences.
The chapter resources and scenarios are being produced and distributed as a new program by EAA IMC LLC (“EAA IMC”), an Experimental Aircraft Association Inc. subsidiary, under a license from IMC Club International Inc. This will provide resources for new and improved program offerings that will enhance and expand the impact of the IMC concept.
To provide continuity, support, direction, and programming, Radek is now the manager of flight proficiency with EAA IMC. Being part of the EAA family will provide the network, critical mass, and resources to take flight safety and proficiency to the next level. EAA IMC Club is supported by Jeppesen.